Sugar Creek Township Fire Department



It is our mission to be a values-based organization that not only believes in; but also provides - Pride, Honor, Integrity, Leadership, and Ownership in our Department and our Community.

Our Vision


It is our vision to provide a progressive organization that will educate, protect, and serve our citizens. We will do this by following our mission, core values, and guiding principles. We will honor our community through a commitment to deliver our best service in the prevention and mitigation of any emergency that is presented to us on a daily basis. We will provide these services in a dedicated manner that is safe, compassionate, ethical, legal, moral, and financially responsible. Our services are delivered by Firefighters that are professional, competent, goal oriented, motivated and proficient individuals. Our team consists of highly trained and qualified personnel in a wide variety of emergency disciplines. This is our vision to provide our community and citizens with the best possible service.