I can Hear The BEEP Where I SLEEP
Entries accepted October 4, 2015 - October 31, 2015
Email us a picture or video showing that you have a smoke alarm in or within hearing distance of your bedroom.
We will email you a coupon to print out and redeem for a FREE ice cream cone at the New Palestine McDonalds!!
Rules for entry:
- Must be between the ages of 3-14
- Must email the following information to hearthebeep@sugarcreektwp.com :
- Name (first and last)
- Age
- Your School Name (must be a Southern Hancock School Corp./Zion Lutheran School or live in the SCTFD district)
- Picture or Video showing you have a smoke alarm in or within hearing distance of your bedroom
- One entry per child. Coupon only valid till November 10, 2015
Participating schools who redeem at least 50% of their Students population will receive a cash prize of $100 to their PTO from McDonalds.